Hello this is the author, Amanda Jane, I am looking forward to reviews of the book and its sequel, Eric and myself have met and the reference to nearly met, is a mere reference to us meeting not enough and would like to meet more, which he has agreed to, even in Marseilles and Paris
Hello this is the author, Amanda Jane, I am looking forward to reviews of the book and its sequel, Eric and myself have met and the reference to nearly met, is a mere reference to us meeting not enough and would like to meet more, which he has agreed to, even in Marseilles and Paris
The Official Press Releases are due any day December 2023 and interviews, podcasts and Guardian review in January 2024
The Official Press Releases are due any day December 2023 and the interviews, podcasting and book video is also due January 2024
Guardian Newspaper review half page due December and January 2023/2024